Wednesday 13 February 2013

Happy Desperation Day!

Barney Stinson coined this phrase for me two years ago in the 6th Season of How I Met Your Mother, and ever since it has stuck. I don't feel like explaining the theory so I'm going to let him do it:

Today got me thinking about past Valentines Days dating all the way back to primary school. I miss the days where we all gave our 7 year old crushes paper-mache cards and candy hearts and maybe even a Chomp or two. As adults though, for some reason we insist on making things complicated and pressured. Bearing in mind that I am not Catholic and I only know two Saint Days - V-Day and St Paddy's (I realise these aren't actually religious days) perhaps I am no expert on the matter but here are my tips to surviving the mad, red dash!


If you've been together for 27 years then perhaps the excitement of a humorous card, that box of Lindt, red roses and a tired "Happy Valentine's Day" is all you need, I on the other hand have a general rule of thumb - if you like the person, get them something they'd like, not what you think they might like... this can be tricky! Pay attention to their post-Christmas, post-Birthday presents-opening facial expressions... If they smiled and squealed: go in that direction; if they left it half-opened to check their Twitter-feed - you're doing it wrong!

The Date:Dinner and a movie is standard. For it to be amazing, make the dinner and the movie (LOL. Just Joking Wanna-Be-Kim-K!) Do something you wouldn't do on an ordinary date, even if you do absolutely nothing, just make sure you're having fun!

Whether you're single, coupled up or confused as to which you are, whatever happens tomorrow let's try and celebrate love in all its forms, it's definitely something we could all use!

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